How To Install Mplayer Raspberry Pi


Upgrade Your MicroSD for Raspberry Pi 3 To get started, ensure that your microSD card is still in your OLD or The latest edition of the pint-sized computer is awesome. So awesome, in fact, that there's 5 things you can only do on a Raspberry Pi 2. With it powered on, and The Raspberry Pi can accept SSH commands when connected to a local network (either by Ethernet or Wi-Fi), enabling you to easily set it up. The benefits of SSH go beyond upsetting the daily screening.or with a mouse and keyboard, open a terminal and enter sudo apt-get update This refreshes the package list.

When i do a apt-get install mplayer it will install mplayer 2 instead Note, selecting 'mplayer2' instead of 'mplayer' I want to know if there is a way to install mplayer instead of mplayer2? UNIX and Linux shell scripting, admin and programming help. Post awk, bash, csh, ksh, perl, php, python, sed, sh, shell scripts, and other shell scripting languages questions here for free answers. Raspberry Pi B 2014-01-07 Raspbian fully up to date. NOOBS is the built-in operating system installer for Raspberry Pi. But if you already know which operating system you want to use, there's a quicker way to get your Pi up and running. (This is on a Raspberry Pi B running 2014-09-09-wheezy-raspbian, update and upgrade have been run, mplayer is installed and tested, coding using Python 3) I only dabble in Linux and Pi so I have c.

In a few seconds you should hear the audio come through the speakers that you attached to the 3.5mm headphone jack. That’s it, you have a wireless internet radio. Why not add a mute function using and another momentary switch. Or even add an to show the station details.

Since I didn’t have any luck playing videos on the RPi using mplayer I found after some search. It has the ability to use the RPi’s GPU thus taking some load of the CPU. UPDATE 2013-04-01: omxplayer is now included in the Raspbian (Debian Wheezy) repositories and can be simply installed by one line. Sudo apt-get install omxplayer Check another article on. OMXPlayer binary (.deb) downloads can be found here: Install dependencies apt-get install libpcre3 fonts-freefont-ttf fbset libpcre3-dev libpcrecpp0 libva-dev libva-x11-1 libva1 Install omxplayer wget dpkg -i omxplayer_0.2.4~git20121205~ec7ac68f_armhf.deb Play video omxplayer -o hdmi video.mp4 Note: If there is no sound when playing through the HDMI interface make sure your /boot/config.txt file has the following line (and it’s not commented out).

We recommend most users download, which is designed to be very easy to use. However, more advanced users looking to install a particular image should use this guide. Download the image Official images for recommended operating systems are available to download from the Raspberry Pi website. Alternative distributions are available from third-party vendors. If you're not using Etcher (see below), you'll need to downloads to get the image file (.img) to write to your SD card. Note: the Raspbian with Raspberry Pi Desktop image contained in the ZIP archive is over 4GB in size and uses the #ZIP64) format. To uncompress the archive, a unzip tool that supports ZIP64 is required.

Look for the name of the SD card you're using (it will appear the same in Terminal as it does on the desktop) and locate its identifier, which will look something like disk2 or disk3, depending on how many devices you have connected to your Mac. • Make sure you have the right storage device identifier and type the command diskutil unmountDisk /dev/[disk identifier] and press return. The command should look something like diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2. • Finally, write the image to the disk using the command sudo dd bs=1m if=[image].img of=/dev/r[disk identifier] and press return. The complete command will look something like sudo dd bs=1m if=2016-03-18-raspbian-jessie.img of=/dev/rdisk2.

The first is to download and Here's how to get a new OS installed and running on your Pi – and how to clone your perfect setup for quick disaster recovery. For a simple alternative, the There is something about the Raspberry Pi that might just put people off: until now, setting it up has not been particularly user friendly. NOOBS aims to change that! Presents a list of available operating systems, from Raspbian and OpenElec to Arch Linux, and makes their installation far simpler. If you own a Raspberry Pi already, meanwhile, you can upgrade the existing operating system with a simple command. Once this is done, you will be able to take advantage of some of the new features, such as built in Bluetooth and wireless networking, as well as OpenGL 3D support.

Open SDFormatter and, according to Raspberry Pi Foundation, you 'need to set FORMAT SIZE ADJUSTMENT option to ON' in the program's settings to ensure you format the entire SD card. Installing Raspbian with Mac or Windows To install Raspbian, you will need to write the operating system image file onto the SD card. Start by uncompressing the ZIP file you downloaded from. To do this from a Mac, install and double-click the ZIP file.

Download the image Official images for recommended operating systems are available to download from the Raspberry Pi website. Alternative distributions are available from third-party vendors.


It did to me before updating the firmware. Afterwards, sound and video play back worked. After updating the firmware, the system will also run smoother with the newer kernel. While it can be done manually, it is much easier to use a script created by Hexxah to update the firmware of your Raspberry Pi. The file for this script also explains advanced usage which can allow you to split the memory between the system and graphics.

Code listing #!/usr/bin env python import time import sleep import os import RPi.GPIO as GPIO # I found loads of BBC Radio streams from GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(23, GPIO.IN) GPIO.setup(24, GPIO.IN) while True: if GPIO.input(23)==1: os.system(‘sudo killall mplayer’) os.system(‘mplayer -playlist &’) if GPIO.input(24)==1: os.system(‘sudo killall mplayer’) os.system(‘mplayer -playlist &’) sleep(0.1); GPIO.cleanup() This tutorial appears in the magazine and the. Tags:, • • • • • •.

• Review your selections and click 'Flash!' To begin writing data to the SD card. For more advanced control of this process, see our system-specific guides: • • •.

To begin writing data to the SD card. For more advanced control of this process, see our system-specific guides: • • •.

There are thousands of free radio stations on the internet, and with this project you can listen to all of them from one tiny little box. So let’s build our streaming radio using a Raspberry Pi, a speaker and a few odds and ends An example setup What you’ll need A wireless internet connection 2 x momentary switches 4 x female-to-male leads (to connect your Pi to a breadboard) 2 x 220-ohm resistors 4 x male-to-male leads Speakers connected to 3.5mm headphone jack Step-by-step Step 01 Let’s get set up Firstly, we need to prepare our Pi. Using Raspbian, and a Pi connected to the internet, open a terminal and switch to the root user: sudo su And update your list of packages, then upgrade your Pi to the latest software: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y Step 02 Install some extra packages We need to install the Python packages to access the GPIO. In a terminal, logged in as root, enter the following. Apt-get install python-rpi.gpio Now install MPlayer, which is what will be playing our audio. Apt-get install mplayer Step 03 Set up your hardware We will be using GPIO 23 and 24 to provide connections for two push buttons.

Taylor Martin/CNET The is the ultimate, affordable computer for anyone who likes to tinker and doesn't mind doing some legwork to get it up and running. If you order a Raspberry Pi without an SD card preloaded with New Out Of Box Software (NOOBS), you will need to provide your own SD card and manually install an operating system. There are many to choose from -- like or for media streaming-- and they're all quick and easy to install. There are even operating systems that. Here's how to install (aka 'flash') an OS to the Raspberry Pi without NOOBS. What you'll need Begin by downloading the software that you want to install on the Raspberry Pi.

To write your image with Etcher: • Download and install it. • Connect an SD card reader with the SD card inside. • Open Etcher and select from your hard drive the Raspberry Pi.img file you wish to write to the SD card. • Select the SD card you wish to write your image to. • Review your selections and click 'Flash!'

> > Installing operating system images This resource explains how to install a Raspberry Pi operating system image on an SD card. You will need another computer with an SD card reader to install the image.

If you want to be able to play back mp3 files and more, then install mpg123. For very sophisticated control, there is also the xmms2 client, which has many plugins.

(Your IP address will be listed in the console output and will probably be of the form 192.168.1.XXX). Run the following commands in a terminal on the receiving Pi; mkfifo buffer nc -p 5001 -l > buffer /opt/vc/src/hello_pi/hello_video/hello_video.bin buffer To transmit the feed from the Pi with camera module attached; After setting up the ‘receiving’ machine as per the instructions above, run the following commands in a terminal on the ‘transmitting’ Pi; raspivid -t 999999 -o - nc [insert the IP address of the client] 5001 You can then use the commands listed in the “How to use the Raspberry Pi camera software” section to change the capture time or add a video effect. How to submit bug reports or see the source code You can see the source code and: Read Andrew Backs using the the Raspberry Pi Camera For more Raspberry Pi Resources, visit our.

So guys, this is my first Raspberry Pi howto, so as the saying goes, bear with me. I love the terminal. And to quote one guy on another forum (I don't remember where) 'Chicks dig guys with terminals.' B-) Also, the terminal is significantly more RP friendly than X (differ if you must, but I really feel that it's inherent because of the amount of RAM) I spend about 80% of my time on the RP in the terminal without ever starting X. So, here's how to play youtube without ever having to boot X!

In the stdin, type loadfile /path/to/a/video.mp4 • Wait for the video to finish playing. • Type loadfile /path/to/another/file.mp4. I get a continuous list of X11 errors. Mplayer2 closes the window after the first video is done playing, so when the second video is started, it gives me errors. I need to use mplayer in slave mode to add new videos, so I can't really work around it. (Even if I could work around it, mplayer2 still seems to randomly close the X11 window—presumably when the disk stalls/etc.—causing the same set of errors.) I feel like this is a bug that should be patched by now, so I really want to get an updated version of the software running. (This also isn't my first issue with mplayer2, so an upgrade may help with the issues I'm having.).

Mplayer2 closes the window after the first video is done playing, so when the second video is started, it gives me errors. I need to use mplayer in slave mode to add new videos, so I can't really work around it. (Even if I could work around it, mplayer2 still seems to randomly close the X11 window—presumably when the disk stalls/etc.—causing the same set of errors.) I feel like this is a bug that should be patched by now, so I really want to get an updated version of the software running. (This also isn't my first issue with mplayer2, so an upgrade may help with the issues I'm having.).

The top part of the connector should then be pushed towards the HDMI connector and down while the flex cable is held in place. The camera may come with a small piece of translucent blue plastic film covering the lens. This is only present to protect the lens and needs to be removed by gently peeling it off.

Press the Windows key and the ‘r’ key simultaneously to bring up the “Run” dialog. Enter cmd.exe into the dialog and press enter/return to open a DOS prompt. Enter the following command at the prompt to view the feed using mplayer; [Path to nc.exe] nc.exe -L -p 5001 [Path to mplayer.exe] mplayer.exe -fps 31 -cache 1024 - To view the feed on OSX; Alternatively you can download mplayer using brew (see: ) which the foundation recommends. Find your IP address by running ifconfig. (Your IP address will be listed in the console output and will probably be of the form 192.168.1.XXX). Run the following command in Terminal to view the feed using mplayer; nc -l 5001 mplayer -fps 31 -cache 1024 - To view the feed on a Raspberry Pi; Find your IP address by running ifconfig.

Step 07 Make it executable Save and exit radio in /etc/init.d by pressing Ctrl+X and then answering yes to the prompt. Now make radio executable by typing (as root): chmod 755 radio Then, as root, register radio to start on boot by typing in a terminal: update-rc.d radio defaults Step 08 Raspi-config In a terminal as root, use raspi-config to change the boot behaviour of your Pi. Hyundai genesis coupe manual transmission fluid. We don’t want it to load the desktop – a terminal is all we need, as the project will not require a screen for future use Once complete, reboot the Pi and watch as the output from boot whizzes across the screen. Step 09 Once the Pi has finished loading, press one of the buttons on your breadboard.

So, we have to download it here. Code: wget tar -zxvf whitey-0.1.tar.gz But DON'T INSTALL YET! We need to tell yt to use omxplayer not mplayer because that doesn't work on the RP. Navigate to whitey's /src/yt/ directory, and edit as follows: The line that has the mplayer command in it, change mplayer to omxplayer, and remove the argument switches. Or, you can download my edited version here: and replace the file completely. Next, navigate up two directories so that you are in the main whitey folder, and then install.

• Click Write. This process will take several minutes to complete, but once the image is finished writing to the the SD card, you can eject the drive, insert it into the Raspberry Pi and power it on.

In what way was it 'not successful'? In what way does it 'not play'?

It did to me before updating the firmware. Afterwards, sound and video play back worked. After updating the firmware, the system will also run smoother with the newer kernel.

Surprisingly, the video play back seems to work better in the GUI! Out of all the alternatives, mplayer or mplayer-gui seem to work best, or at all for me. VLC failed to work for me, and Totem had huge Gnome requirements and slow play back. If you installed mplayer-gui package, then in the menu under Sound and Video, you will find the application Mplayer to start mplayer-gui. If you open a terminal, then you can also launch mplayer /path/to/video.mpg to view your video like: pi@raspberrypi:~$ mplayer /usr/share/pyshared/pygame/examples/data/blue.mpg.

In what way was it 'not successful'? In what way does it 'not play'? Try running it without sudo. Moderator's Comments: Posting 'Does not work' without explanation does not help you or anyone. If a command does not work for you, please show the exact circumstances you used it, and the exact error or malfunction you received. Do not paraphrase errors, or post the text as links, images, or attachments if you can avoid it: Paste the exact message, in code tags, like [code] text [/code] or by selecting the text and using the button. The UNIX and Linux Forums.

May 26, 2013 11:12 Last evening I spoke to a friend who is using RPi's in a production environment to which he has cameras attached. He had them up and running before the Foundation announced their product. The camera he uses is a: Minicam 300K 1:2.5 / TDC32 Specs: Camera size: 2.1875'x2.6875'x0.5' Ulead Software Included: Photo Album, Editing, Printing, Sharing&Web studio. +Neckstrap+USB Cable Dual Function Digital Camera: Digital Still Camera function: Image Capture PC Camera function: Video Capturing/Conferencing AVI function: Movie clips Sensor: CMOS Sensor Resolution: 300K Pixels(VGA 640x480) Memory: 64Mbit SDRAM He said he last saw them at around USD$7 on E-Bay. [attachment=0:2bs4o7fm]Mini-Digital-Cam-TDC-32.jpg[/attachment:2bs4o7fm] He said he used them complete with their cases and brought ribbon cables out through SD memory connector slots.

If you're not using Etcher (see below), you'll need to downloads to get the image file (.img) to write to your SD card. Note: the Raspbian with Raspberry Pi Desktop image contained in the ZIP archive is over 4GB in size and uses the #ZIP64) format. To uncompress the archive, a unzip tool that supports ZIP64 is required. The following zip tools support ZIP64: • (Windows) • (Mac) • (Linux) Writing an image to the SD card You will need to use an image writing tool to install the image you have downloaded on your SD card. Etcher is a graphical SD card writing tool that works on Mac OS, Linux and Windows, and is the easiest option for most users. Etcher also supports writing images directly from the zip file, without any unzipping required.

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From Windows, right-click the file, select Extract All, choose a destination for the extracted files and click Extract. After it's done unzipping, it's time to write the image. Mac • Open Terminal by locating the app in Launchpad or by pressing command + spacebar and searching for the app in Spotlight. • Change the directory you're working in to the location of the extracted image. For example, if you extracted the Raspbian image to your desktop, type cd Desktop/ and press enter. • Identify the disk by typing diskutil list and pressing enter.

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