Soal Tes Toeic Dan Kunci Jawaban


Whistler worked in various art forms, including etchings and lithographs. However, he is most famous for his paintings, particularly Arrangement in Gray and Black No. Dell audio sigmatel stac 975x ac97 driver. 1: Portrait of the Artist’s Mother or Whistler’s Mother, as it is more commonly known.

Kunci TOEFL Structure. Jadi jawaban (B) salah dan harusnya diganti dengan kata. Bagi sebagian besar para calon peserta tes TOEFL, bagian soal TOEFL listening. Sebaiknya jauh-jauh hari sebelum menempuh tes TOEFL Anda sudah familier dan terbiasa dengan direction (petunjuk soal).Anda bisa melihat bentuk petunjuk tes TOEFL yang sebenarnya terkhusus pada sesi reading comprehension melalui di tulisan yang sedang Anda baca ini berjudul soal TOEFL reading dan kunci jawaban.

Soal Tes TOEFL dan Pembahasan Jawaban.docx. Jawaban Soal Tes TOEFL Model Test 1 BCDBD.

In spite of D. Regardless of The sentence should read, “Geysers have often been compared to volcanoes because they both emit hot liquids from below the Earth’s surface.” Therefore, you should choose answer B.

_______, including climate, mineral content, and the permanency of surface water, wetlands may be mossy,grassy, scrubby, or wooded. (a)Depending on many factors (b)Many factors depending on (c)Factors depending on many (d)On many factors depending Pembahasan Jawaban: Sentences with one clause -Subject + Verb Yang menjadi subject adalah gerund dan verb adalah may be (7) Duke Ellington's orchestra, _______ his own often complex compositions, made many innovations in jazz. (a)he played (b)playing (c)that it played (d)was playing Pembahasan Jawaban: Present Participle (Adjective) / Reduction in Adjective Clause (8) The term 'ice age' refers to any of several periods of time when glaciers covered considerably more of Earth's surface _______.

He dedicated his life to public service, both in the presidency and in the various other political offices that he held. Throughout his political career he demonstrated his unswerving belief in freedom of speech, the antislavery cause, and the right of Americans to be free from European and Asian domination. Example I To what did John Quincy Adams devote his life? (A) Improving his personal life (B) Serving the public (C) Increasing his fortune (D) Working on his private business According to the passage, John Quincy Adams 'dedicated his life to public service.' Therefore, you should choose (B). Example II In line 4, the word 'unswerving' is closest in meaning to (A) movable (B) insignificant (C) unchanging (D) diplomatic The passage states that John Quincy Adams demonstrated his unswerving belief 'throughout his career.' This implies that the belief did not change.

Being that there are B. There being C. There are Pembahasan: There are (Subject di belakang verb) 4.The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 ___ nearly unanimously through the United States Congress. In passage C. Having passed D. Passing Pembahasan: Kehilangan verb 5.Modern skyscrapers have a steel skeleton of beams and columns ___a three-dimensional grid.

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The Ford Theater where Lincoln was shot. (A) must restore (B) must be restoring (C) must have been restored (D) must restored Pembahasan Jawaban: Yang dibutuhkan adalah kata kerja dari subject 'The Ford Theater'.

The bank sent a notice to its customers which contained _______________ A. A remembrance that interest rate were to raise the following month B.

(A) Yesterday (B) In the morning (C) Traffic (D) Cars Dalam contoh di atas Anda melihat langsung bahwa ada sebuah, tapi tidak ada subjek. Jawaban (C) adalah jawaban yang tepat karena mengandung subjek tunggal 'traffic' dan sesuai dengan kata kerja tunggal 'was'. Jawaban (A), 'yesterday', dan jawaban (B), 'in the morning', bukanlah subjek, karenanya keduanya tidak benar. Meskipun jawaban (D), 'cars', bisa jadi subjek, itu pun tidak benar.

Automobile production in the United States ____________ A. Have taken slumps and rises in recent years --> have (plural) B. Has been rather erratic recently C. Has been erratically lately --> been verb (linking verb) + adverb D. Are going up and down all the time --> are (plural) 11.

The passage implies that from earth it appears that the planets a. Are fixed in the sky b. Move more slowly than the stars c. Show approximately the same amount of movement as the stars d. Travel through the sky considerably more rapidly than the stars 27. The word 'negligible' in line 8 could most easily be replaced by a. Insignificant c.

Greater in numbers B. In most numbers C. More numerously D. In greater numbers 8. It was not until she arrived in class__________ realized she had forgotten her book A.

Terkhusus untuk bagian, untuk membantu Anda lebih mengenal bentuk soal yang dipertanyakan, kami telah menyediakan (Structure Test 3) di bawah ini yang bersumber dari buku -TOEFL Preparation Guide for the TOEFL Test. Untuk melihat test bagian 1 dan 2 silahkan kunjungi link ( Structure Test 1) dan ( Structure Test 2).

Pembahasan Jawaban: 'another pair' ---> the first pair of pants Pronoun Preference 3. The committee has met and __________. (a) they have reached a decision.

Pembahasan Jawaban: said (past) --> could (past) 12. This year will be difficult for this organization because __________. (a)they have less money and volunteers than they had last year. (b) it has less money and fewer volunteers than it had last year. (c) the last year it did not have as few and little volunteers and money. (d) there are fewer money and volunteers that in the last year there were.

Having entered school in the new city, it was found that B. After entering the new school, C. When he had been entering the new school, D. Upon entering into the new school, 4. It is very difficult to stop the cultivation of marijuana because _____________ A.

Before Richard Bennet accepted the appointment as the prime minister of Canada in 1930, a lawyer. Had achieved a successful b. Had been achieved successfully c. Has achieved success d. Had achieved success 10.

Foundation necessary Kunci Jawaban: D. Foundation necessary 8. In the late 1930’s and early 1940’s, Jacob Lawrence created many paintings _____ the lives of famous African American activists. Portrayed them C. That they portrayed D. That portrayed Kunci Jawaban: D.

Than is any other animal C. Any other animal is D. And any other animal is Pembahasan: Comparative Degree 3._______more than 65,000 described species of protozoa, of which more than half are fossils.

Gardeners transplant bushes and flowers by moving them from one place to. Each other 11. Museums of natural history are ordinarily by special interest groups created for that purpose. Owned and operated b. They own and operate c.

(A) high (B) high as is (C) higher than (D) the highest of Pembahasan Jawaban: as + adjective + as. Pilihan jawaban B yang terdapat as.

Trying to avoid the enemy, D. Not involving himself in the enemy, 2.

Pilihan C dan D terdapat verb tanpa connector, jadi otomatis sudah salah. Jawaban yang paling tepat ialah B. Prinsip: Setiap kalimat bahasa Inggris mesti terdiri dari minimal 1 clause (subject + verb). Jika terdapat 2 clause maka mesti ada 1 connector.

It happened that John's bike broke down C. The storm caught John D. John had an accident on his bicycle 15.

Having entered school in the new city, it was found that B. After entering the new school, C. When he had been entering the new school, D. Upon entering into the new school, 4. It is very difficult to stop the cultivation of marijuana because _____________ A.

Money management, selling, the idea of being able to satisfy the stockholders. Kunci Jawaban 1. C Pembahasan Jawaban Untuk pembahasan jawaban dari soal TOEFL dan pembahasan jawaban versi ke dua ini akan kami update beberapa hari kemudian. Berhubung admin masih punya kesibukan lain. Jangan lupa untuk berlangganan postingan atau materi TOEFL di Pusat TOEFL agar Anda tidak ketinggalan soal-soal TOEFL. Soal TOEFL (Structure Test 3) Soal TOEFL (Structure Test 4) Directions: Question 1-15 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D).

(a)known the lightest gas (b)lightest the known gas (c)the lightest gas known (d)the known gas lightest Pembahasan Jawaban: Superlative & Past participle (11)Wild eagles that survive to adulthood are believed.from 20 to 30 years. (a)live (b)to live (c)they live (d)their living Pembahasan Jawaban: Sentences with multiple clause / verb + to invinitive (12)Portland., is located primarily on two hilly peninsulas overlooking Casco Bay and its many island.

Jadi pilihan paling tepat ialah pilihan B. Seismic reflections profiling has ____ the ocean floor is underlain by a thin layer of nearly transparent sediments. (A) reveal that (B) revealed that (C) the revelation of (D) revealed about Pembahasan Jawaban: Present Perfect: has + verb III Jawaban D salah karena terdapat preposition (about). Object dari preposition mesti berbentuk noun sementara kalimat di atas terdiri dari clause (the ocean floor is underlain). ____ and terrifying, coral snakes can grow to 4 feet (1.2 meters) in length. (A) They are extremely poisonous (B) The poison is extreme (C) Extremely Poisonous (D) An extreme amount of poison Pembahasan Jawaban: Parallel structure: Extremely poisonous (adjective) + terrifying (adjective) 11.

The class a tough assignments C. A tough assignment for the class D. An assignment very tough to the class 7. People all over the world are starving __________________________ A.

Lent realism B. That lending realism C. To lend realism D. Of whose realism lent Pembahasan Jawaban: To lend realism Key word: developed Untuk kalimat yang memiliki lebih dari satu kata kerja, apapun bentuk kata kerja utamanya, kita dapat menggunakan to invinite untuk kata kerja berikutnya.

(A) that almost compel one (B) one compels (C) that compel almost (D) one is almost compelled 11. In 1978 the united States National Air and Space Administration selected Sally Ride.the first woman astronaut. (A) who being (B) to be (C) and being (D) was 12. Adhesions are. Formed within the body in response to inflammation or injury. (A) that thin bands of scar tissue (B) they thin bands of scar tissue when (C) thin bands of scar tissue (D) thin bands of scar tissue able to 13.

Now set your clock for 55 minutes. This section is designed to measure the ability to read and understand short passages similar in topic and style to those found in North American universities and colleges. Directions: In this section you will read several passages.

Pilihan A (repdroducing) merupakan present participle, pilihan C (to reproduce) adalah bentuk to invinite dan pilihan D (reproduction) adalah sebuah noun. Ketiganya tidak dapat menjadi verb, jadi pilihan B paling sesuai karena reproduce merupakan bentuk verb. Ohio, the center of the Hopewell culture, has the greatest concentration of ancient burial mounds in the United States. What is called C. That is called D. Is called Pembahasan Jawaban: What is called Key word: of; has Klausa yang berada di antara koma, pada kalimat membutuhkan verb.

– Banyak berlatih hingga Anda merasa matang dalam latihan software Genius TOEFL. – Pelajari perkembangan belajar Anda melalui raport analisis software Genius TOEFL.

(A) The extension of (B) The extension (C) Extending (D) Extends 12.The chief sources of B12, a water-soluble vitamin ____ stored in the body, include meat, milk and eggs. (A) is not (B) that is not (C) not that is (D) that not 13. ____ is rooted in experiments in iron and steel conducted in the nineteenth century. (A) While the history of twentieth-century architecture (B) The history of twentieth-century architecture (C) That the history of twentieth-century architecture (D) Both twentieth-century architecture and its history 14.The primary source of energy for tropical cyclones is the latent heat released when ____ (A) does water vapor condense (B) condensed water vapor (C) water vapor condenses (D) the condensation of water vapor 15.

Pilihan B salah karena menggunakan helping verb 'did'. Did ketika bersama WH Question (when) hanya digunakan dalam interrogative sentence. Pilihan D salah karena whether bukanlah subordinate conjunction. Subordinate conjunction ialah conjunction atau connector yang bisa terletak di awal dan di pertengahan kalimat. The principal purpose of aviation medicine is _____ by people aboard an air¬craft in flight. (A) to study the stress experienced (B) study the experienced stress (C) to study stress experiencing (D) study the stress experience Pembahasan Jawaban: is to study (is + to infinitive) adalah bentuk umum / sudah sangat umum digunakan dalam kalimat. To study the stress experienced (untuk memplejari tekanan yang dialami) 1.

Hanya pilihan jawaban C yang terdapat memenuhis syarat. Nimbostratus clouds are thick, dark grey clouds _______ forebode rain. (A) what (B) which (C) what they (D) which they Pembahasan Jawaban: kalimat di atas terdapat subject (Nimbostratus clouds) dan verb (are). JJuga terdapat verb (forebode) jadi terdapat dua clause. Dua clause butuh 1 connector. Jawaban yang benar ialah B. Which berfungsi sebagai connector sekaligus sebagai subject dari verb (forebode).

Jadi bisa ditebak kalimat di atas mesti terdapat dua clause. Dari pilihan jawaban hanya D yang berbentuk clause. Ingat clause terdiri dari Subject dan Verb. Researchers have long debated _______ Saturn's moon Titan contains hydrocarbon oceans and lakes. (A) over it (B) whether it (C) whether (D) whether over Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas terdapat 2 clause. Clause 1 (Researchers have long debated); clause 2 (Saturn's moon Titan contains). Jadi kita tinggal butuh 1 connector.

In the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, the United States developed the reusable space shuttle ________to space cheaper and easier. To make access B. And making access C. Which made accessible D.

Privasi Costmer saya jaga! Untuk pemesanan ataupun sekedar tanya2 dan sharing bisa langsung contac saya yah gan ~WA/HP: 24 ~Line: AbidinSeto ~Pin BB: D43AA9E0 ~Email: ~IG: AbidinSeto Kunjungi juga web blogger kita di bawah ini yahh Kunjungi juga web blogger wordpress kita di bawah ini yah:) Berikut saya lampirkan Contoh Sertifikat yang sudah saya urus beserta Testimoni Costmer yang sudah memesan. Jasa Pengurusan Cepat Pembuatan Sertifikat TOEFL ITP PBT LIA ILP LIA IELTS Dan Ijazah Resmi Asli Original Mudah Berkualitas Tanpa Tes dan Terpercaya Hallo agan-agan sekalian. Perkenalkan Saya Abidin Seto, Di sini kami menyediakan Jasa Pengurusan Pembuatan Sertifikat TOEFL ITP PBT LIA ILP LIA IELTS Dan Ijazah Resmi Asli Original Mudah Berkualitas dan Terpercaya.

Discussion d. Agreement 40. The tone of this passage is a. Enthusiastic c. Expository d. Reactionary Questions 41-50 Whereas literature in the first half of the eighteenth century in America had been largely religious and moral in tone, by the latter half of the century the revolutionary fervor that was coming to life in the colonies began to be reflected in the literature of the time, which in turn served to further influence the population. Although not all writers of this period supported the Revolution, the two best-known and most influential writers, Ben Franklin and Thomas Paine, were both strongly supportive of that cause.

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